@steveo (I’m only considering creating fog storage nodes using fog) well since you have so many and they are all physical there should be a way to use FOG to clone the storage nodes. I need to think about the best approach here. But you should be able to install the OS, and at least download the fog repo to the system.
Here is where it get into some speculation.
Now when you install fog, it creates a .fogsettings file. The .fogsettings file lists all of answers to the questions you supplied when you first installed fog. So when you reinstall fog like during an upgrade the installer will reference that file instead of asking the user questions over again. I wonder if we can leverage that by dropping that file in the proper location during storage node image deployment. Then running the installer with the -y command post deployment?? The only caveat here is that you should only install FOG once the storage node has its forever IP address. There is a script to reset the IP address after the fact to. Its just depends on what ever is easiest. You also should probably consider how you will seed the storage node before you send it out to the remote location.
Also during image deployment, you can have the fog master node give the fog storage node its name. Once your storage nodes have been created you won’t need them in the fog database unless you want to reimage them again.
With that many storage nodes, you might consider setting up a dedicated mysql server. Remember that storage nodes don’t have a local database, it uses the database on the master (root) fog server. That will be 400 open connections.