Totally understand the position of not being musical… I was simply asking if it was doable. I mean if you already have the option to set the option for primary disk wouldn’t you potentially want to add that disk as the exit boot to as well? Just a thought. Also I appreciate help from everyone especially @george1421 and love thinking out of the box, however as seen in my responses, i was answering questions but they seemed to have been disregarded. So I apologize if my annoyance offended others.
I had posted this as well due to someone suggesting posting again as I re-opened an older topic (as another person wanted to do this as well as yourself) the solution honestly fits perfect for this.
So with all that said. It was a long night. We we ended up placing the boot order to usb then pxe.
This allowed us to image then boot. However it will not allow us to remotely image again due to the issue of not booting to the usb after pxe.
Interestingly there were 2 newer models of these Wyse terminals that when set to boot from usb after pxe in the bios they worked (as we would usually expect) also we had to change the primary disk back to /dev/sda. The older ones just didn’t work the same for whatever reason.