Using the latest experimental fos kernel I am able to deploy via task without issues.
Thank you all for your help in getting this to work.
This can be marked as Solved
Using the latest experimental fos kernel I am able to deploy via task without issues.
Thank you all for your help in getting this to work.
This can be marked as Solved
@rodluz After disabling VT and X2APIC Intel x2APIC Mode disabling these settings and the system properly deploying an image what setting in the kernel would need to change to allow for the system to deploy properly without having to modify the BIOS settings? I think this may be easier said then done but want to start looking at it.
@rodluz I got it working. I was able to boot into the debug kernel from the usb and was able to get it to boot into the deploy image.
I disabled Virtualization, VT-d, and X2APIC
I was missing the X2APIC setting once that was disabled it started working. thank you all for your help in getting this working.
@rodluz thank you for your current help on this. I have tried both the 2 new images you have provided and they are both failing back at the booting kernel that I see when I try to boot the original kernels off the USB drive. Would it be helpful for you to be able to remotely access the system and login to it?
@rodluz These both give me the same error after loading the kernel. Error: kernel doesn’t support EFI handover. This is the same error I was getting with dist 2 and 3. dist 1 did not give this error.
@rodluz Are you able to try enabling virtualization in the kernel to see if it fixes it for SaturTP maybe it will help me my issue as well.
@rodluz I have tried all 3 kernels the dist1 has the same issue. dist2 and 3 show the following message.
Then they go back to the main menu.
@SaturTP I have disabled Virtualization and VTd but unable to find VTx. So far with these two items it is still failing. Where did you find VTx. Just a generalized location will work hopefully.
@SaturTP I will try disabling virtualization however we do need that to be enabled on our servers. But if this works then at least it is pointing to the possible root of the issue.
@Tom-Elliott I have updated all systems to the latest firmware versions. I will go and check to make sure again that I am on the latest versions of firmware.
@SaturTP I am glad I am not the only one having this issue. Hopefully we can figure out what is causing the issue and get a fix implemented. Currently we are imaging our systems with this issue by hand which is taking a lot more time. I have it on a Quanta and a SMC server as well.
@george1421 Yes secure boot is disabled. Here is a picture of the BIOS setting.
@george1421 I have been able to get a debug BIOS for my system and was able to capture from a serial port more detail. I know it has been a while since this was updated but was thinking this could give more light to the issue. This is not the full file it is just from the select boot device (USB Drive) to the hang.
Debug out:
Disabling CR4.SMXE…
-> Register 0x11: Pause Resume Complete = 0x01 0x01 0x00
CheckpointSend 0x08? Yes
-> Register 0x11: Pause Resume Complete = 0x01 0x01 0x01
CheckpointSend 0x09? Yes
-> Ready To Boot: Pause Resume Complete = 0x01 0x01 0x01
[HECI Transport-1 DXE] Send pkt: 80040007
00: FF 0C 00 00
[HECI Transport-1 DXE] Got pkt: 80080007
00: FF 8C 00 00 00 00 00 00
[TDX_LATE] TdxDxeCallbackOnReadyToBoot BEGIN
[LoadFileFromEsp] BEGIN
[TDX_LATE-GET_FROM_ESP] Open (Not Found)
[TDX_LATE-GET_FROM_ESP] Open (Not Found)
[TDX_LATE-GET_FROM_ESP] Error (Not Found)
[TDX_LATE-GET_FROM_ESP] GetTdxSeamldrFromEsp END (Not Found)
Error: Unable find TdxSeamldr in ESP
[TDX_LATE-GET_FROM_FV] GetTdxSeamldrFromFv END (Success)
TdxSeamldrAddress (FV): 0x63392018
TdxSeamldrSize (FV): 0x35000
[LoadFileFromEsp] BEGIN
[TDX_LATE-GET_FROM_ESP] Open (Not Found)
[TDX_LATE-GET_FROM_ESP] Open (Not Found)
[TDX_LATE-GET_FROM_ESP] Error (Not Found)
[TDX_LATE-GET_FROM_ESP] GetTdxSeamFromEsp END (Not Found)
Error: Unable find TdxSeam in ESP, aborting!
Unable to find TDX binaries in ESP, falling back to FV!
[TDX_LATE-GET_FROM_FV] GetTdxSeamFromFv END (Success)
TdxSeamAddress (FV): 0x63344018
TdxSeamSize (FV): 0x26000
[TDX_LATE-GET_FROM_FV] GetTdxSeamSigFromFv END (Success)
TdxSeamSigAddress (FV): 0x64E12018
TdxSeamSigSize (FV): 0x800
[TDX_LATE-HANDLE_SEAMLDR] ValidateSeamldrBinary END (Success)
Extracted SE_SVN = 0x04 from ACM_HEADER!
Extracted SE_SVN = 0x00 from NVRAM!
Seamldr SE_SVN = 0x04 selected from ACM_HEADER!
[TDX_LATE-HANDLE_SEAMLDR] ProgramTdxSeamldrSeSvn END (Success)
AsmLaunchTdxSeamldr BEGIN (0x6330F000)
AsmLaunchTdxSeamldr END (0x0)
[TDX_LATE-HANDLE_SEAMLDR] LoadTdxSeamldr END (Success)
[TDX_LATE-HANDLE_SEAMLDR] HandleTdxSeamldr END (Success)
[TDX_LATE-VMX] BaseFruUcode4v0_SetCrsForVmx BEGIN
[TDX_LATE-VMX] BaseFruUcode4v0_SetCrsForVmx END (Success)
[TDX_LATE-VMX] VmxOnAndSeamcallThenVmxOffOnAllLps BEGIN
[TDX_LATE-VMX] VmxOnAndSeamcallThenVmxOffOnAllLps END (Success)
[TDX_LATE-HANDLE_SEAM] HandleTdxSeam END (Success)
[TDX_LATE] TdxDxeCallbackOnReadyToBoot END
SmmInstallProtocolInterface: 6E057ECF-FA99-4F39-95BC-59F9921D17E4 0
[SmbiosIFWI] Get Ifwi Version failed.
[HECI Transport-1 DXE] Send pkt: 80040007
00: FF 02 00 00
[HECI Transport-1 DXE] Got pkt: 80140007
00: FF 82 00 00 01 00 06 18 - 30 00 02 00 01 00 06 18
10: 30 00 02 00
TPM Location configured (expected values: dTPM = 0x5 = 0x5
Value at TPM Base Address (0xFED40000) = 0xA1
HierarchyChangeAuth: Response Code error! 0x000009A2
[0m[30m[40m[2J[01;01H[0m[37m[40m[02;30HGNU GRUB version 2.06
[04;02H/----------------------------------------------------------------------------\[05;02H|[05;79H|[06;02H|[06;79H|[07;02H|[07;79H|[08;02H|[08;79H|[09;02H|[09;79H|[10;02H|[10;79H|[11;02H|[11;79H|[12;02H|[12;79H|[13;02H|[13;79H|[14;02H|[14;79H|[15;02H|[15;79H|[16;02H|[16;79H|[17;02H|[17;79H|[18;02H----------------------------------------------------------------------------/[19;02H[20;02H Use the ^ and v keys to select which entry is highlighted.
Press enter to boot the selected OS, `e' to edit the commands
before booting or `c' for a command-line. [05;80H [0m[30m[47m[05;03H*1. FOG Image Deploy/Capture [0m[37m[40m[05;78H[06;03H 2. Perform Full Host Registration and Inventory [06;78H[07;03H 3. Quick Registration and Inventory [07;78H[08;03H 4. Client System Information (Compatibility) [08;78H[09;03H 5. Run Memtest86+ [09;78H[10;03H 6. FOG Debug Kernel [10;78H[11;03H 7. FOG iPXE Jumpstart BIOS [11;78H[12;03H 8. FOG iPXE Jumpstart EFI [12;78H[13;03H [13;78H[14;03H [14;78H[15;03H [15;78H[16;03H [16;78H[17;03H [17;78H[17;80H [05;78H[23;01H [24;01H [05;78H[05;03H 1. FOG Image Deploy/Capture [05;78H[0m[30m[47m[06;03H*2. Perform Full Host Registration and Inventory [0m[37m[40m[06;78H[06;03H 2. Perform Full Host Registration and Inventory [06;78H[0m[30m[47m[07;03H*3. Quick Registration and Inventory [0m[37m[40m[07;78H[07;03H 3. Quick Registration and Inventory [07;78H[0m[30m[47m[08;03H*4. Client System Information (Compatibility) [0m[37m[40m[08;78H[08;03H 4. Client System Information (Compatibility) [08;78H[0m[30m[47m[09;03H*5. Run Memtest86+ [0m[37m[40m[09;78H[09;03H 5. Run Memtest86+ [09;78H[0m[30m[47m[10;03H*6. FOG Debug Kernel [0m[37m[40m[10;78H[0m[30m[40m[2J[01;01H[0m[37m[40m[0m[30m[40m[2J[01;01H[0m[37m[40mloading the kernel
loading the virtual hard drive
booting kernel…
SmmInstallProtocolInterface: 296EB418-C4C8-4E05-AB59-39E8AF56F00A 0
EnablePatrolScrubatEndofPostCallback Exit
@rodluz Is it possible to try and get a new kernel with version 6.6.0 I have been told it could fix this issue.
@sgilbe After removing the card it is still hanging.
@rodluz It is still hanging. Removing card now.
@rodluz I will try and remove the QSFP card and am trying the new kernel now. Will let you know of the outcome.
@rodluz I can also try and get you remote access to this system as well if that would help in debugging this issue.
@rodluz here are the devices in the system. lshw.txt lshw-businfo.txt
Let me know if that helps.
@george1421 If possible would it be helpful if I could get you remote access to the system?