@scouseboy99 Just to be clear here, you built two complete FOG servers and then assigned one as a master node and one as a slave node? If this is the case you have a non-standard setup. There are valid reasons for setting up this configuration and it does work well with one caveat.
The typical setup would be to setup the remote server as a FOG storage node from the installer. A fog storage node is a full fog server but without a local database. In this configuration the storage node uses the database from the master node so its aware of all images that is replicated to itself.
In your setup you have two independant FOG databases. The replicator will still copy the images from the master node to the remote fog node just like with a remote storage node. The problem comes is that there is no (current) way for the master fog server to update the database on the remote fog server. There is a way to manage this. You can export the image definitions from the master FOG server and then manually import them into the remote fog server to synchronize the image definitions in the remote database. It sounds a bit complicated, but its not. You just have to remember if you add a new image to the master node, the image WILL be replicated to the remote fog server, you just need to manually add/import the image definition into the remote fog server’s database.