@sayeed said:

Hi Wayne,

i have installed fog on 250Gb Hdd in my local system, which is not sufficient space for me to save all the images.that’s why i have mounted my NAS storage /storage on fog server.but im unable to configure my /storage on fog,kindly provide the guide to mount my storage on fog…or provide the notes for make softlink between fog and my NAS so that i can save multiple images on NAS.

Linux cannot re-export a directory that is already remote. You shouldn’t mount the NAS on the fog server itself.

You should configure it as a storage node in the FOG web GUI, and create an NFS share on the NAS and an FTP user with full access to that share.

in the NFS share, there should be /storage/.mntcheck and /storage/dev/.mntcheck

/storage should be read only, /storage/dev should be read write.

FTP needs full access to the entire /storage directory.

Depending on the type of NAS (like Synology), you will need to move to FOG Trunk (like Tom said).