@JJ-Fullmer said in Windows Images - Too large.:
@sami-blackkite Looks like you’re on the dev branch, which is good. Updating is always a good first step in troubleshooting stuff like this in case it’s already fixed.
I’m not seeing anything in the commits (https://github.com/FOGProject/fogproject/commits/dev-branch) that actually looks related since the version you’re on, but sometimes a refresh still helps.
I took a look at the default settings of a new image and it’s close to what I use, only difference is I set compression to 11.
Are you familiar with a debug capture/deploy task? If not, simply check the ‘debug task’ checkbox when queuing up the capture task. It allows you to step through the capture process and you can catch any messages that might be telling us why it’s behaving odd. Just use the command fog once it’s booted up and ready to start the image and you’ll hit enter for each step. You can also set it up to watch it and step through over ssh if you want by, before running the fog command, getting the ip address with ifconfig and then setting a password with passwd then you can ssh into the debug session from your workstation with ssh root@ip.add.re.ss then the password you set. The password will only exist for that session on that machine. SSH just makes screenshotting and or copying any error messages to share here a bit easier.
Oh thank you so much, JJ.
I’ll give those steps a go and report back.