The NIC bonding isn’t difficult to achieve, I just followed the guide at [url][/url]. There’s also a handy guide on a similar vein at [url][/url] which adds some of the Cisco CLI commands
My etc/network/interfaces ended up as:
auto lo
iface lo inet loopback
auto eth1
iface eth1 inet manual
bond-master bond0
auto eth2
iface eth2 inet manual
bond-master bond0
auto bond0
iface bond0 inet static
bond-mode 4
bond-miion 100
bond-lacp-rate 1
bond-slaves eth1 eth2
… which provides for a single ‘bond0’ virtual network interface that you set up beforehand and refer to as the main interface when installing Fog. If you want even more network bandwidth you could add another two port card and add these interfaces as eth3 and eth4 into the mix too but the limit would be the disk throughput I guess - and the network infrastructure. As everything is isolated and local the latter isn’t an issue for me.
Of course you do need a lan switch that supports LACP (a.k.a 802.3ad). On my sandpit system at home I have another N36L Microserver with a two port pcie-e (Intel) network card running into ports 1 &2 on a DLink DGS-3324SR switch. The latter was pretty easy to set up for LACP from its web interface. For the Cisco '3750 I may need to do some reading 
I’m very interested to see what performance the ssd’s will achieve on my new box. I figured that the vast majoriy of the time as I’ll be reading from them when imaging back to the G1 tablets I shouldn’t see problems related to trim settings. Time will tell !