This one seems to be very handy [url][/url]
It makes the lists fantastic: sortable and it removes the need of the search function. The filter function is much better.
This one seems to be very handy [url][/url]
It makes the lists fantastic: sortable and it removes the need of the search function. The filter function is much better.
Thanks a lot, Tom! I love this but it still makes it hard to locate hosts which is a long time since the last deploy. If the date was visable as a column in the host list view it would be even more useful. Now I have to use the mouseover to find the info on each single host, and the info is sort of useless to easily locate “old” hosts which I require to get my hands on.
Do you think it could be doable to put this very useful info in a column?
A new feature, parhaps not in this beta release, could be to use some nice jquery code to put all kind of lists in a jquery table. Then it is possible to sort columns and ajust column width very easy without much coding.
Could it be possible to choose y/n to install htmldoc and clamav when running the redhat installer? These packages are not in the default repository and I do not want to install them. I have to edit the redhat config file each time i download a new release.
Making these two packages optional during the installation would be nice.
I have put this into the bug tracer (by accident) but now I try again as a feature request.
Deploying laptops differs from cloning ordinary PCs (at least in my school). Cloning PCs involves deploying a complete room at a time (a group), while deploying laptops is more or less more sporadic as the laptops tends to be in production and out of my control. They comes to my office when things need to be fixed (new deploy). It is almost impossible to collect them and do a complete re deploy of a complete group of laptops.
I realy miss a feature in the host list to tell me the last time a host was deployed. If the deploy date existed in the list (and sortable) it is a pice of cake to know which laptop needs to be deployd and which are updated. I could then send a mail to the teacher or student that I need to have their laptop into my office for a quick deploy. They newer run their laptop on a wired network, so the only way to deploy is to have them into my office.
If it was possible to locate these laptops with an old image in an easy way it would help a lot!
The date found in image info is the date when the image was first created, not the date when the image was actually uploaded. Could this be changed? It there is much work involving a database cheme update I guess this could be solved be reading the file date stamp if the image file?
I know it is possible to choose either LIST og SEARCH (in image list, host list etc) but I realy miss an option like AUTO. LIST is fine for all list containing less than e.g. 10 items, and search is good for all long lists. Could there be an AUTO option where LIST was automatically choosen for short lists and SEARCH for long lists?
Thanks. My systems do not join domain and I do not use Sysprep. Good to hear it problably works better in 0.33b. I will do some testing when I get time to set up a test server.
Hostname changer: When the Hostname changer service module if ON, will a client change hostname during the last stage of Deplaying? Or is it necessary to run the FOG client on the client? I run 0.32 at the moment and several clients do not change name during deplayment on Windows 7. It seems quite random to me, which client change hostname and which does not. It this is a problem with 0.32, has it been improved in the 0.33 betas?
Read somewhere in the forum about replacing ftp/NFS with http. Is this something which is going to be realized in an upcoming release?
Another missing feature is a date when an image was last uploaded: (red font) [url][/url]
The deploy date in host management, as proposed/discussed here some days ago. Here is an example of how I think this could be (in red font): [url][/url]
This way it is really easy to find “old” hosts which I have to get to my office for imaging.
Could there be some kind of option during the installation wether to choose clamav and htmldocs or not? Installing these packages on Redhat/Centos needs editing in the config file as it will not work out of the box.
I’m still using FOG 0.32. I really miss two features: in image manager i’d like to know the date of when latest upload of the image was done. Knowing the date of when it was created is of no use, I think. Could this be implemented? In the client manager i’d like to know when each host had the latest deploy. Deploying a lot of notebooks now and then it not done by deploying a whole group as I deploy a machine when an employer come to my office with problems. It is quite hard to keep track of who I have to get in contact with as it it long time since last deploy. If the latest deploy date could easily be displayed in the host list that would be nice. Any thoughts about this?
I really miss the progress bar in active tasks in Task Management. What has happened with it?
Tom:What is the difference between Partclone and the old system (dont remember the name)
[quote=“Albatros, post: 20970, member: 16710”]Yes the upload button in Active Tasks, donest work. Try it over this way: Host Management -> List All Hosts -> Click Upload button from your host
Over this way it it works on my side.[/quote]
I noticed, thanks. Tom: probably a bug which needs to be fixed?
Update: I found the problem. When I ran an upload from the host listing I got an error telling the password for tftp server was wrong. When I corrected this it worked as expected. Perhaps this error checking could be implemented in the Host management as well?
Cannot start upload. Running the latest beta on Centos 6.5 (fresh install) for testing, I have registered a client (Full host registration). The host displays correct in FOG.
I then create a new Image (Win XP, Single Partition, resizable). I edit the host client to associate it with this image and then start a new Upload task from Task Management. I hit Upload icon and nothing happens (as expected, verifying).
Any idea?
I have been using FOG since the early days and this is my first try with the new 0.33B release. Keep up the good work!