@PCF24 Here is a quick and dirty script to reset all your hosts.
I tested it with two hosts and it is working for me. I don’t want to reset all my hosts.

You will have to paste your FOG server IP, FOG user api token, and FOG settings api token to the script.
You will also need to install jq in your FOG server.
Debian base: sudo apt install jq. RHEL based: sudo dnf install jq

#!/bin/bash server_ip="" fog_user_token="PASTE_YOUR_USER_API_TOKEN_HERE" fog_api_token="PASTE_YOUR_FOG_SETTINGS_API_TOKEN_HERE" all_hosts=$(curl -S -s -X GET -H 'content-type: application/json' -H "fog-user-token: $fog_user_token" -H "fog-api-token: $fog_api_token" $server_ip/fog/host/ | jq '.hosts[]') all_ids=$(echo "$all_hosts" | jq '.id') all_ids=${all_ids//\"/} for host_id in $all_ids do curl -S -s -o /dev/null -H "fog-user-token: $fog_user_token" -H "fog-api-token: $fog_api_token" -X PUT -d '{"pub_key":""}' $server_ip/fog/host/$host_id/edit curl -S -s -o /dev/null -H "fog-user-token: $fog_user_token" -H "fog-api-token: $fog_api_token" -X PUT -d '{"sec_tok":""}' $server_ip/fog/host/$host_id/edit curl -S -s -o /dev/null -H "fog-user-token: $fog_user_token" -H "fog-api-token: $fog_api_token" -X PUT -d '{"sec_time":"0000-00-00 00:00:00"}' $server_ip/fog/host/$host_id/edit done