Hi everybody,
I’m going crazy. The Fog client doesn’t work anymore and i don’t know to solve this problem.
I’ve updated to latest fog on debian 11
I’m running fog client 0.13
here is the fog.log
05/12/2024 16:48:42 Main Overriding exception handling
05/12/2024 16:48:43 Main Bootstrapping Zazzles
05/12/2024 16:48:43 Controller Initialize
05/12/2024 16:48:43 Controller Start
05/12/2024 16:48:43 Service Starting service
05/12/2024 16:48:51 Bus Became bus server
05/12/2024 16:48:51 Bus Emmiting message on channel: Status
05/12/2024 16:48:51 Service Invoking early JIT compilation on needed binaries
05/12/2024 16:48:51 Client-Info Version: 0.13.0
05/12/2024 16:48:51 Client-Info OS: Windows
05/12/2024 16:48:51 Middleware::Authentication Waiting for authentication timeout to pass
05/12/2024 16:48:51 Middleware::Communication Download:
05/12/2024 16:48:52 Middleware::Authentication Cert OK
05/12/2024 16:48:52 Middleware::Authentication No token found at C:\Program Files (x86)\FOG\token.dat, this is expected if the client has not authenticated before
05/12/2024 16:48:52 Middleware::Authentication ERROR: Could not get security token
05/12/2024 16:48:52 Middleware::Authentication ERROR: Le fichier ‘C:\Program Files (x86)\FOG\token.dat’ est introuvable.
05/12/2024 16:48:52 Middleware::Communication POST URL:
05/12/2024 16:48:52 Middleware::Response Invalid security token
Can anybody help me, please?
Snapins doesn’t work anymore, i can’t shutdown machines using Power management. It’s very annoying.
I’ve reboot server, client, it doesn’t change.
thanks in advance