I think i may have found the solution
I think i may have found the solution
I apologize if this is a duplicate subject. I’m new to Linux, Debian, FOG. I’m more of a Windows admin. That said, I’ve set up a VMware instance of Linux, installed Debian 10.02, and in the process of installing Fob v 1.5.7.
I am installing FOG into an existing network and have gone through all the normal queries. Installation starts -
installs Apache2 etc etc… a whole sleuth of packages. Confirms all the package.
Next step is Configuring Services and here it fails immediately on the first step.
*Setting up fogproject user … Failed!
I’ve looked over the network and can’t find a solution to this particular problem. I’ve wiped the VM and started again, making sure Debian is installed correctly with the desired setup
Thoughts? Thank you in advance.