If I’m completely successful it will still encompass the original thing!
EDIT: Just for everyone’s reference, I am doing this setup in a Windows network, meaning with a Windows ADC and Windows DHCP.
If I’m completely successful it will still encompass the original thing!
EDIT: Just for everyone’s reference, I am doing this setup in a Windows network, meaning with a Windows ADC and Windows DHCP.
I found all of their bloody files. Way to move things about without documenting it guys.
Want to just hijack this one? Also that PowerPoint is in my Dropbox, but I’ll stick it here too.
EDIT: Ugh, Syslinux makes you compile your own files now.
[url=“/_imported_xf_attachments/1/1940_Creating a legacy + EFI PXE boot server using pxelinux.zip?:”]Creating a legacy + EFI PXE boot server using pxelinux.zip[/url]
I can’t contain myself anymore. Working on this instead of other things I am supposed to.
[URL=‘https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/7798420/Creating a legacy %2B EFI PXE boot server using pxelinux.pptx’]This is relevant[/URL]
Did that let it coexist with WDS, or just replace WDS without taking down the WDS server?
EDIT: Upon actually using my seeing organs and reading the page, it looks like it would just give you a menu that would allow you to select what, if any, network boot environment you want to use. However it doesn’t look like it has any way of handling if there is a WDS job or FOG job, and automatically going to said system.
AHHA! But that WOULD potentially allow, with further modification, a Windows Server environment to properly get UEFI devices and BIOS devices to boot off of FOG!
For the documentation of all things, Shift+F5 forces your browser to dump its cache for the current page and reload it. Some browsers are too assumptive about what they already know.
Yes so many times to the laptop idea. You would still need the FOG Server software installed to make the client give you workstation information. And the client can give you info related to the Inventory function on its own, but from my understanding even with the new client you have to have the workstation registered into FOG for the client to be able to report on anything. If you were able to leave a little desktop somewhere on site you could also just use that as a server, and talk to the server whenever you need information.
Debian 7 (any version) also works very well with FOG right out of the box, but many systems will need the TFTP service rebooted after the server is booted/rebooted. Documentation on the WIKI covers the issue, and gives a config file modification which fixes the issue.
I’ve done installations of Debian with and without the graphical interface and desktop utilities, and FOG has worked immediately on each variation.
So you are just wanting to pull reports from the FOG Client and/or FOG registration? If you were to set up a little FOG server somewhere at that location, you could just log in to its admin page from your smartphone. Is it not reasonable to set up an on-location FOG server? Or are you perhaps using this to handle client’s offices?
Maybe a thing could be figured out for at least talking to the FOG client to gather inventory data. Still… if you could at least set up a gimped old laptop or something that you could plug in via ethernet, it would be much easier to get working. And if you wanted to feel pro by controlling things via your smartphone you could use an SSH session to control the FOG server.
From my experience, since Ubuntu Touch is designed for smartphones, it will be compiled for ARM. And as a result their may be pieces of the OS missing that would be required, and methods of storage access will be different.
Also FOG over WiFi, let alone with a low performance device such as a smartphone, would be highly unadvised. You may be able to get it to work, which would be impressive, but I cannot suggest anyone tries to use a setup like that in a production environment.
If you don’t mind my asking, which cloud service is this? Some behave quite differently than others.
[quote=“Darren George, post: 45286, member: 375”]P.s interested to see what other people are doing to pimp up there new fog system, my next thought is add several av malware iso’s to allow a sheep dip scenario.[/quote]
I had done this as recently in 0.32, and it was quite doable. The Wiki is still relevant on such a task. I’d be happy to help with this as I move to a new FOG server myself. But let’s make a new thread for this or necro a relevant thread.
[quote=“Wayne Workman, post: 44866, member: 28155”]Today at work, I noticed that my workstation supports UEFI and legacy.
I plan to turn UEFI on, and figure out the DHCP settings to make FOG work with Legacy BIOS and UEFI at the same time, diving out either undionly.kpxe or ipxe.efi based on the computer’s request.
Don’t know if I’ll figure it out, but there is a pretty good chance that I will.[/quote]
I greatly look forward to any documentation of your travels in this. It is something I have fiddled with, but have lacked the time to actually work on. I have a hunch that, if you are running a Windows Server Domain environment, you could use a WDS server to figure out the different systems, then chain it into the appropriate boot files fog FOG.
There’s still no reason to believe that an OEM who wants to still be relevant to enterprise would force secure boot.
Those rumors sound incredibly odd, considering Microsoft wants to get all Windows 7 and 8 users to upgrade to 10, and many Windows 7 systems are incapable of UEFI. Not saying they won’t do that, but it sounds quite odd.
I have all of the bits and bobs to work on such an environment… just not the time right now.
On the upside, from everything I have read, and from what I’ve been able to get a preview copy of Windows 10 to run on, I am not sure where this Secure Boot (UEFI) requirement is coming from. I have Windows 10 running on a virtual machine whose emulated bios is not on UEFI mode.
Add it into your boot menu after you try to load something, forces it to pause instead of dumping you out.
EDIT: Also, looks like your MD5SUM does not match the newer Hirens. Seems like you should go download that.
[quote=“princz, post: 40452, member: 27969”]can u direct me to some tutorials on how to install FOG in windows os[/quote]
FOG on Windows Server 2003? Nopity nope nope nope. For the love of all that’s holy do not put any more services on that and begin migration to something that is still within its support lifetime.
That being said, I think this is what you are looking for:
Do not get me wrong, I think it would be quite cool and clever for someone to create a Windows install of FOG, especially leveraging WDS given Windows Server 2012’s built in support for UEFI. But I think trying to make a Windows Server 2003 work well for deploying via FOG would be more headache than it would be worth.
If you are still reading, the GOOD news is that you do NOT need the Linux box of your design to be a member of the domain. It only needs to be on the same physical network as the machines you will deploy to and referenced by the DHCP as the PXE server. Both of those steps are typically quite easy, and the community is more than willing to help people wiggle around weird restrictions to those steps.
I too was reluctant to deploy a Linux server to my domain when I first looked at FOG. However after I looked into the newer releases of Debian, I was happy to find that I could meet all of our security requirements quite easily. I could even join it to the domain later if I wanted to, even though it was Linux and not Windows. Now we actually have a few Linux servers spinning away here, even though we still use Windows Server for all of our major and backbone services.
I apologize if this is a bit too long winded of an answer. If you need more help getting pointed in the right direction getting WDS or a Linux FOG server set up feel free to PM me. I won’t be much help on installing FOG on Windows Server yet, as that is a project I have held off until next month at the earliest.