Finally figured it out. I didn’t realize my D drive was in the disk0 slot, so when I told FOG to used /dev/sda it was looking at D instead of C. That’s what I get for assuming the factory installed drive would be in disk0.
Best posts made by MicLima
RE: Canceled capture task still running on host
Latest posts made by MicLima
RE: Canceled capture task still running on host
Correct, it is uploading properly now. Thanks for the assistance!
RE: Canceled capture task still running on host
Finally figured it out. I didn’t realize my D drive was in the disk0 slot, so when I told FOG to used /dev/sda it was looking at D instead of C. That’s what I get for assuming the factory installed drive would be in disk0.
RE: Canceled capture task still running on host
Thanks for the replies George. I ended up having to restore from a backup because I couldn’t get it to boot at all. So, besides taking out the extra hdd, is there a way to tell FOG to only capture the main disk sda1?
RE: Canceled capture task still running on host
Well, never mind for now, seems I can’t log back into my web console. Strange!
RE: Canceled capture task still running on host
It finally finished up, how can I get it to only capture the main disk?
RE: Canceled capture task still running on host
Yeah, it’s still going even though my entire FOG disk space is gone already, 42 minutes remaining lol. So if I shut down, there will be a chance the machine itself will be broken or just the image being captured?
Canceled capture task still running on host
Can I shut down the host if it’s still capturing? I canceled the task in the web console when I realized it was capturing both disks, I only need the main one, but it’s still capturing on the host.