Hey all, I have been scouring this site and the web for this error over the past few days and not finding a solid answer. I have a slightly more unusual error that I have yet to see referenced by any of the forums or posts that I have found.
In most scenarios people are booting their computers after Fog drops the image, it goes through the standard Windows is preparing this computer for first boot, etc, and then they receive this error. When they reboot the error returns. Several solutions for this have been:
- Enable the administrator account
- Give the administrator account a password
- (FOG specific) make sure the client is disabled prior to sysprep/capture
- Driver related
- Lack of administrator account prior to sysprep: http://answers.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/forum/windows_7-windows_install/windows-could-not-complete-the-installation-to/bf09c3c5-298b-459f-aed5-4f431b8398f5?auth=1
And there are a few others I’m forgetting I’m sure, but whats unusual about my setup, is if I reboot my computer at this stage (or press OK to reboot) then it boots into the OS without error or issue. I don’t believe there is a forum out there that describes this behavior, because if I try the steps above, after I try them, the next step is to reboot, which I know will fix the issue, so its not a great answer.
I am running FOG 1.3.0 -RC8 on Centos 7. This is on a Windows 7 x64 image.
I am using an ESXi box to create a VM that houses my ‘base image’. I booted to the ISO, installed windows 7, booted up, entered Audit mode, created a local admin for my purposes (and perhaps this is what I should avoid and let sysprep do this) and that was pretty much it. Since I had seen these issues after several hours of perfecting a base image, just to watch it get errors, I stopped doing all of the windows 7 updates and left it as plain as possible.
I register my VM with FOG and capture the image. I then create another VM, boot it to PXE and deploy that image to it.
In one trial I used an unattend file that I created using WAIK. This has seen errors such as the computer hanging on “Setup is checking Video performance” and then displaying the same error (or not, sometimes it would just check video performance for several hours), ultimately a reboot would make it go to windows, no problem.
I then decided to sysprep without a unattend file, thinking there was an error in there somewhere. Started with my plain base image, sysprepped it, captured, and deployed it. It pushed quickly, made me do the oobe setup (as expected), at the end of it, setup went to a black screen and did some final services and setup items (again, as expected) and then up popped the same error about not being able to complete the installation, and yet again, a reboot solved the issue. Going crazy because there is an issue, that isn’t actually an issue!
Would love to hear if others have had this, or solved it, I don’t mind syspreppging the image over and over with an updated unattend file and trying that as well, or even if adding a shutdown /r /t 0 in a setupcomplete (assuming this script runs around that time), which I am not currently using because i have had these issues and wanted to keep this as clean as possible.
As always, thanks for the advice and support.