@Les We need more information to be able to help. The partclone.log file only exists on the client. So you might schedule another capture task but tick the checkbox for debug task this time. Start the client and when you get to the shell start the capture via command fog and step through till you hit the error. Make sure you keep your eyes open for errors just before the “Partclone failed” message! Now after the error happens you should be send back to the shell. See if you can get the error message from the log file.
As well you might post more information about your FOG version, the image settings (resizable or not, partclone/partimage, OS type). Plus you should find the partition tables captured in a folder /images/dev/XXX (XXX should be the MAC address of your client) on your FOG server. Run cat /images/dev/XXX/d1.partitions /images/dev/XXX/d1.minimal.partitions and post output here.