Hi Thanks for this informations, I maked the change but do you know if we can bypass the “press any key to continue” in rEFInd?
Thanks for your help
Hi Thanks for this informations, I maked the change but do you know if we can bypass the “press any key to continue” in rEFInd?
Thanks for your help
We are gradually switching to the uefi config but the problem is reproduced on all machines.
I am not aware of the refind, when the boot doesn’t work the menu loops and returns to the list
We are experiencing a problem with booting from the hard drive from the pxe menu, this seems to be happening on machines with nvme drives.
We have tried to replace the ipxe.efi file with a newer one but the problem persists with the menu looping back
@george1421 Thanks, After downloading the more recent kernel since it worked, I proceeded this way because I encounter problems directly via the server interface.
We can now use fog on our newer machines.
while trying to restore an image on a DELL LATITUDE 5411 I got an error message about the network drivers( Intel Ethernet Connection (11) I219-LM)
The kernels are the latest available https://fogproject.org/kernels/bzImage and https://fogproject.org/kernels/bzImage32
I would like to force access to fog in https while keeping a functional pxe.
Can you help me?
Thank you.
we use FOG on different country with one server by country. Sometimes we need to move pc between different site but we don’t use the same for all country and we make host export to csv and we change hostname and after upload hosts list to other server. I want to knwo if it’s possible to make export with only a part of host and not all.
In advance thanks for your help.
Can you tell where we can make change under 1.3.5 version please
I want to know if it’s possible to delete the waiting ( 60 seconds) for wipe task.
Thanks in advance.
No i don’t do that.
I’ve try to had module with make menuconfig

I’ve upgrade a fog server from 1.2.0 to 1.3.0 and i’ve upgrade boot kernel immediatly.
@Tom-Elliott : i can boot over pxe and i can see fog menu without problem but i can’t do a full host registration or quick image when i try on DELL PRECISION 3420 ( network card is Intel i219LM).
Can you tell me if the intel e1000e drivers was the last version in your build kernel?
Thanks a lot in advance.
Hi Wayne,
I will try directly.
If this still does not have a track I can explore,
@Tom-Elliott said in bzImage for new computer:
Maybe update to FOG 1.3.0?
It has the latest kernels automatically. I don’t know what’s wrong with your scenario but it would seem somewhat related to the hdd’s at this point.
Hi Tom,
the server was in production but i’ve try to install another server in 1.3.0 and i try the kernel in the 1.2.0 but doesn’t work.
I also tried to rebuild a kernel from your tuto
I encountered problems loading bzImage on several of our machines:
Some has a RAID card (PERC 6), I have to try to switch on an internal SATA / AHCI controller.
Network controllers:
At startup on the pxe I sometimes have kernel panic, or the unrecognized network or even the disk controller.
Would you have a recent kernel likely to support a maximum of controllers with maximum compatibility?
The storage is in NFS v3.
Thanks in advance for your help.
Tks Sebastian, I’ll try it on Monday in my work because I do not have access to the server today;)
first sorry for my mistake but writing English is not great.
I use fog 1.2.0
I have other similar messages:
can not open / dev / tty
fdisk does not find a disk
I ettendu several minutes, but there is only error messages
Tom I tried with your custom kernel available but similar.
The difficulty I have is that drivers
Seems to be absent in the generated bzImage