I was trying your suggestion about “fast startup”. I had skip double checking that option, as I said because disabling hibernate is supposed to disable “fast startup”, and that the extra cad software specifically asks to disable it.
Yes, I still get the run list overlap, but that is following the not ntfs partition and reboot, the system pxe boots back to fog and doesn’t start uploading at all just straight to “run list overlap”.
As for my my process and error messages regarding this image, I’ll try to line that out here. This is going to start back from the previous image. I build my images in vmware on an ESXi server and take heavy advantage of snapshots to rollback to useful points.
1. (July 2016) finish windows updates
2. (July 2016) snapshot point 1
3. (July 2016) delete active install user profile
4. (July 2016) run windows disk cleanup
5. (July 2016) run sysprep script - run as admin
5a.(script) purge temp files
5b.(script) stop fog service
5c.(script) purge log files
5d.(script) purge cleanup cache files
5e.(script) remove default user profile to force use of network default
5f.(script) clear wsus ids from registry
5g.(script) clear hklm\system\setup\upgrade key for tracking upgrade history
5h.(script) clear regkey of any autologon remnants
5i.(script) revert some regkeys to default from Group Policy settings
5j.(script) rearm office 2016 install (fix duplicate keys in KMS and WSUS)
5k.(script) start "sysprep /generalize /oobe /quit /unattend:unattend.xml"
6. (July 2016) run "shutdown -s -t 0 -f" manually
7. (July 2016) capture fog image(upload successfully as 2016Base-R2.0)
8. (July 2016) rollback to snapshot point 1
9. (July 2016) clone VM fork to PLTW image
10. (July 2016) install extra cad software
11. (July 2016) snapshot point PLTW2
12. (July 2016) delete active install user profile
13. (July 2016) repeat steps 3-6
14. (July 2016) capture fog image(upload successfully as 2016PLTW-R2.0)
Jump forward to Dec 2016
Base Update - R2.1
15. rollback base to snapshot point 1
16. update avast av to version 1609
17. update java
18. update other base software
19. disable windows "DiagTrack" service
20. cleanup other reg keys for updated policy settings
21. snapshot point Base2
22. repeat steps 3-6
23. capture fog image(upload successfully as 2016Base-R2.1)
Jump to (Now) July 2017
Base Update - R2.2
24. roleback to Base2
25. windows updates
26. windows upgrade via Windows update to 1703
27. update base software
28. update Adobe Suite to 2017 versions
29. install HP HBMA driver (virtual mac address for docks)
30. snapshot Base3
31. repeat steps 3-6
32. capture fog image(upload successfully as 2017Base-R2.2)
PLTW update - R2.2 Skip R2.1 to match base version
33. roll back to snapshot point PLTW2
34. update avast av to version 1609
35. windows updates
36. windows upgrade via Windows update to 1703
37. windows updates
38. update cad software
39. update base software
40. snapshot PLTW3
41. repeat steps 3-6
42. capture fog image(upload fails as 2017PLTW-R2.2)
42a. partclone uploads sda1 - no error
42b. partclone errors sda2 - not ntfs partition
42c. partclone exits to console - error "disk space is good to go"
42d. computer reboots in 1 minute
42e. pxe boot - fog picks up the process again
42f. fog errors with "run list" before starting partclone.