I’ve been trying to find someone saying that, and I couldn’t find it. In the past I remember reading that it wasn’t even needed for 7, but I can’t find that anymore.
As for any reason I know it might be needed, is just regenerating some of the unique install IDs. The machine ID and a few other locations are used for tracking in WSUS and Windows KMS Server. I have however seen that these were not even being regenerated by my last few rounds of Win7 syspreps. Sure I have “skip rearm” set. I don’t remember why but I do remember it being needed/suggested somewhere.
I’ve had to manually rearm and regenerate quite a few hosts this last year in efforts to keep my kms server active. Fortunately it’s as simple as 2 bat files and I only need to get 30ish to have a safety margin beyond the 25 threshold.
If I could run these automatically on deploy, or maybe better would be to alter my pre-sysprep cleanup to run it and as you suggest skip sysprep.
I’ll run some tests. Still curious what went wrong and why “CloudExperienceHostBroker” is causing trouble.