Also, if you happen to have btsync set up, which I just gave a try using the guide here (Side note, I didn’t have to untar anything in a downloads folder and someone should probably edit the typo that says chrmod instead of chmod)
I set up my btsync to a folder called /home/fog/fogInstalls/btsync/fog Which is in a variable in the following script if you put it somewhere else and need to change it.
Another side note/question. For git my git pulls are around 300 MB or so, but the BTSYNC is a little less than 20 MB, am I getting all the files or is there something wrong with my config? That size difference is slightly concerning to me is all.
Anyway, here’s the btsync version of the update script that you could run whenever you get a btsync update.
# -------------------------------------------
# Fog Git Updater
# -------------------------------------------
# -------------------------------------------
# Script Purpose
# -------------------------------------------
# This script is designed to run an automated update of the latest FOG Git dev build and it's cron friendly
# -------------------------------------------
# -------------------------------------------
# Some prereqs for this script
# -------------------------------------------
# 1. Already have an existing working install/configuration of FOG 1.0 or later
# 2. Have git installed and setup. You can do that by doing....
# sudo apt-get install git
# mkdir /home/fog/fogInstalls/git
# git clone /home/fog/fogInstalls/git
# 3. A script to echo the encrypted version of your sudo password, create one with this function
# just put in your password into the following in place of your_super_secret_password (leave the quotes)
# and then uncomment and copy paste the function into a terminal and then run it with just the name of the function pw
# pw(){
# touch /home/fog/fogInstalls/.~
# ossl=`echo "your_super_secret_password" | openssl enc -des -a -e -pass pass:PASSWORD`
# echo 'echo "$(echo '$ossl' | openssl enc -des -a -d -pass pass:PASSWORD)"' >> /home/fog/fogInstalls/.~
# sudo chown fog.root /home/fog/fogInstalls/.~
# sudo chmod 700 /home/fog/fogInstalls/.~
# }
# -------------------------------------------
# -------------------------------------------
# Variables
# -------------------------------------------
# -------------------------------------------
echo "Creating Script variables..."
pw=`sh $fogInstalls/.~`
# -------------------------------------------
# -------------------------------------------
# Functions
# -------------------------------------------
# -------------------------------------------
sudo chmod -R 775 $1
sudo chown -R fog.fog $1
# Enter sudo mode aand do some quick server maintenance update fun times
# First, enter sudo mode by echoing the output of decrypting your encrypted password and pipe that into an apt-get update
# Don't worry, it doesn't output the password into the terminal
# Now that the password is in once the terminal will keep it stored for the next bunch of sudo commands
echo "Running Sever updates!..."
echo $pw | sudo -S apt-get update -y
sudo apt-get upgrade -y # install any upgrades you just downloaded
# Backup custom config and other files
# Copy the latest versions of any files you've changed that will be overwritten by the update and backup the database just in case.
# For example you may want to back up...
# Config.php
# To be on the safe side your config file in the /opt folder that has may have a corrected webroot for ubuntu 14.04 and may have stored encrypted credentials (i.e mysql)
# I think that the installer uses this file and keeps it anyway, but I like to be careful
# Exports file
# Because this runs the installer with a yes pipe, it ends up telling it that the image path is "y",
# simply backing up and restoring your current one avoids the issue of fog not finding your precious images.
# Custom pxe boot background
# If you have a custom background for the pxe menu, the bg.png file
# Mysql database dump
# It would be rather troublesome if something went horribly wrong in the update and your database goes kaboom, it's unlikely but backups are a good thing
# Just a note, It's a good policy to also have backups of these outside of your server, which you could add to this script with an scp command or something like that
# -------------------------------------------
echo "make sure backup dir exists..."
if [ ! -d $backup ]; then
mkdir $backup
echo "Dumping the database..."
mysqldump -u root --all-databases --events > $backup/DatabaseBeforeLastUpdate.sql #backup database
echo "Backing up config and custom files..."
echo "config.php..."
sudo cp /opt/fog/service/etc/config.php $backup/config.php
echo "fog settings..."
sudo cp /opt/fog/.fogsettings $backup/.fogsettings
echo "nfs exports..."
sudo cp /etc/exports $backup/exports
echo "custom pxe background..."
sudo cp /var/www/html/fog/service/ipxe/bg.png $backup/bg.png
echo "running FOG installer..."
perms $btsyncPath
cd $btsyncPath/bin
sudo bash -Y
# Restore backed up files
# Restore the backed up files to their proper places and make sure they're formatted correct too.
echo "restoring custom pxe background..."
sudo cp $backup/bg.png /var/www/html/fog/service/ipxe # Restore Custom Background
# I found that I needed to do this in some configurations, but it may no longer be neccesarry...
echo "Creating undionly for iPxe boot in ipxe folder, just in case..."
sudo cp /tftpboot/undionly.kpxe /tftpboot/undionly.0 # backup original then rename undionly
sudo cp /tftpboot/undionly.0 /var/www/html/fog/service/ipxe/undionly.0
sudo cp /var/www/html/fog/service/ipxe/undionly.0 /var/www/html/fog/service/ipxe/undionly.kpxe
echo "Changing Permissions of webroot..."
perms '/var/www/html/fog'
echo "Changing permissions of images...."
perms '/images'
echo "Changing permissions of tftpboot...."
perms '/tftpboot'
# -------------------------------------------
# -------------------------------------------
# Run the script
# -------------------------------------------
# -------------------------------------------
echo "Done!"