Hi all,
I have a FOG v0.32 server running on Turnkey Linux v12 (basically Debian Squeeze) as an OVZ container on a ProxmoxVE server. I ended up having trouble getting NFS working under OVZ so I created a new KVM vm as a storage node (also TKLv12/Debian6). (FYI the main FOG node and the FOG storage node are VMs on the same hardware). I had a few teething issues initially but all running sweet now (at least on 3 PCs…)
Here’s what I’ve done so far:
[]Installed Win7 to a VM and then uploaded it to my FOG setup
[]Deployed it to 1 of the 7 PCs I have, tweaked it a little more and uploaded it again
[]Deployed it on 2 other machines with exactly the same hardware - still all good
[]Deployed it to another PC that has different hardware and issues…! 
The motherboard of the machine it’s not working on is an ASUS M5A88-M (according to FOG full inventory which ran fine). When I tried to deploy my (working) Win7 image to the machine it stated that it there was no Win7/sys.img.000 (or words to that effect). I doubled checked (by ls /images/Win7/ on the storage node) and sure enough it was there. To check my setup I re deployed (the same image) to one of the machines that is working successfully and it still worked fine… Regardless I also ‘chmod -R 777 /images/’ on my storage node, jsut in case. So I updated the FOG boot kernel (to the latest) and now it freezes during boot with:
[CODE]Trying to load: pxelinux.cfg/20690bac-35c5-e011-b652-14dae9b3a5ce
Trying to load: pxelinux.cfg/01-14-da-e9-b3-a5-ce
Loading fog/kernel/bzImage…[/CODE]
So I don’t know what to try next?? Any ideas…??
[update] I downgraded the kernel a couple of versions and got back to my original situation (ie the system boots ok, but can’t find the image).