Not sure if you got the keyboard issue figured out or what drivers / patches you added, but I have successfully used this in the past for SP4
Best posts made by jdd49
RE: Several problems with Surface Pro 4
RE: Is supporting Secure Boot now possible?
I wanted to share my experience with trying to get something signed for Secure Boot with my imaging program. It basically comes down to that it’s very difficult for open source projects to get something signed.
First of all you need to get your bootloader signed by Microsoft, no way around it. Second it requires an EV code signing certificate. These are expensive and you can only get them if you are a legitimate business. You must use a shim, otherwise every change to a kernel or bootloader would require resigning them from Microsoft which is not feasible. Also, shim does not currently support Proxy DHCP servers. The basic workflow is this:
Compile the shim with a self signed CA baked in, then you can sign your kernels and bootloaders against the CA without the needing resign the shim with MS for every change.
Submit the shim and your EV certificate to Microsoft
They will reach out to the shim maintainers who will ask you a bunch of questions about how you will use the shim. If you tell them you are going to use it with iPXE they probably won’t approve it. You need to tell them you are using Grub. If they catch you signing anything other than what you say, they will blacklist your shim.
If everything checks out then they’ll send you the precious signed shim.
I personally scrapped the idea of trying to get a signed shim because of the business requirement. Too much extra cost, not to mention the hassle of doing taxes with a business that doesn’t actually make any money.
The future looks dim because of secure boot
RE: Capturing NTFS Filesystem Resize on Build 8215 w/Kernel 4.6.2 on CentOS 7.2.1511
I believe this is a dynamic memory issue. Disable dynamic memory in hyper-v and the newer kernels work. The 64 bit kernels also seem to work even with dynamic memory on.
RE: File Formats - HFS & XFS
I just wanted to take a minute to share what I know about this subject.
Does not have the ability to shrink period. It can only grow. The only possible solution is to do a file backup using something like xfsdump, then recreate the filesystem. Or make the smallest partition possible when you first install, then grow after imaging.OSX
There is nothing special about fusion drives, the issue is that fusion drives are coupled with OSX’s core storage feature. Core storage is basically lvm for mac. When using a fusion drive a volume group is created and spread across the two drives, giving you added speed on the ssd portion. I assure you the drive is not hidden and you still control over your drives. It just appears as one drive. You will most likely never be able to image core storage from a linux environment except as raw. It’s like when you want to capture lvm on linux you need to active the lvm first or it will be captured as raw, the only problem is there is no way to activate core storage on linux.Hope that helps.
RE: Image of Hyper-V VM Stops (Rate Decreases)
I’m fairly certain this a kernel issue. What are you running hyper v on? Latest windows 10 build, server 2016? I ran into this with the latest hyper v, not with fog, but same principals apply. Using the 4.13 series 64bit resolved the issue for me. What kernel are you using?
RE: DHCP Proxy for FOG
Hi all, I’m the dev of CrucibleWDS proxy, let me know if you need any assistance with this. The latest version adds support for booting pc and apple devices together, it also supports Apple’s native NBI netboot process as well as iPXE. It is actually named CloneDeploy Proxy DHCP now. Here is the latest source.
https://github.com/cdadmin/clonedeploy/tree/master/clonedeploy_proxy_dhcpand latest binary
http://sourceforge.net/projects/cruciblewds/files/testing/cd_proxy_1.0.0.zip/downloadI have been using this reliably on CentOS and BSD for some time now. I can attach my init script if necessary.