Hey All,
I recently transferred a perfectly working fog project server to another server and pouched the postdownload script functionality. I’ve gone through a bit of debugging. I put a /bin/bash inside my /images/postdownloadscripts/fog.postdownload so that I could shell out and see why I’m not getting the client hostinfo that I used to fetch with curl leveraging the fog-api-token and fog-user-token.
I’ve validated that my ${FOG_API_TOKEN} contains the same string that is on my configuration page of my fog server. I’ve also validated that my ${FOG_USER_TOKEN} contains the same API string for a user within my user list. Both the user and the fog settings have the api enabled.
Yet if I issue the following from my bash shell on the client after doing the pxeboot:
curl -A “” -Lks
-o /tmp/hostinfo.sh
-H ‘Content-Type: application/json’
-H “fog-api-token: ${FOG_API_TOKEN}”
-H “fog-user-token: ${FOG_USER_TOKEN}”
–data “mac=$mac”
Where $mac is the mac address of the pxe booted client, and $web simply contains Yet the contents of the file /tmp/hostinfo.sh is essentially:
No token passed to authenticate this host
I kinda need the othertag1 from the fogserver where I store some unique information about the client. Prior to my moving of my server to the new configuration this worked fine… Any insight on this matter would be greatly appreiated.