@ITRecords Have been pretty busy with other things and forgot about this topic. Whoops.
Ok, so we have a plain disk drive here (sure virtual disk but no LVM or fake-RAID) which makes it pretty easy.
Make sure there is no FOG task (deploy or capture) running! Stop NFS daemon: systemctl stop nfs-kernel-server Unmount the partition: umount /dev/sdb1 Install an easy tool for expanding the patition: apt install cloud-guest-utils Test expanding the partition: growpart -N -v /dev/sdb 1 (note the space before the partition number) Expand partition: growpart -v /dev/sdb 1 (note the space before the partition number) Expand filesystem in partition: resize2fs /dev/sdb1 (no space before partition number) Mount partition: mount /dev/sdb1 /images Start NFS: systemctl start nfs-kernel-server