Hi Jason, the fog script fog.download does an “mkswap” on the partition during the restore. I think that will change the UUID. The alternative would be to just dd the entire swap space which is probably what Clonezilla is doing (though I’m guessing :)).
Reading what you are doing (congratulations by the way - a very laudable project!) there are a couple of ways you could solve this. They all come in at the time you are expanding the ext4 filesystem. At the same time you would update either the fstab or the UUID in the swap partition. After the next reboot (or after a swapon/swapoff) your swap partition would show up.
To edit the fstab I might do something like
OLDUID=grep swap /etc/fstab |cut -d' ' -f1
NEWUID=blkid | grep swap | cut -d' ' -f2
sed “s/$OLDUID/$NEWUID/” /etc/fstab
before I expand the ext4fs.
If you wanted to modify the swap UUID instead, then something like
TARGETUID=grep swap /etc/fstab |cut -d' ' -f1 | cut -d'=' -f2
DEVICE=blkid | grep swap | cut -d':' -f1
swaplabel -U “$TARGETUID” $DEVICE
swapon -a
A third alternative is to use labels rather than UUIDs or device names.