What was the actual root cause of this problem? I’ve just run into it after upgrading a 0.32 system to 1.1.2. The system is in production so I’d rather not upgrade to SVN unless it is absolutely necessary.
[COLOR=#ff0000]EDIT - FIXED (kindof)[/COLOR]
[COLOR=#000000]In my case this turned out to be one of my “antique” images which was referring to an imageNFSGroupID which no longer exists. Correcting that problem fixed the white screen issue for me. [/COLOR]
[COLOR=#000000]N.B. I’m including the SQL (below) which fixed my problem, but I’m doing this mostly as a reminder to myself. Use it at your own risk!!![/COLOR]
$ mysql -u root -p
Enter password: *************
mysql> use fog;
mysql> SELECT ngID,ngName FROm nfsGroups;
| ngID | ngName |
| 1 | default |
mysql> SELECT ngmID,ngmGroupID FROM nfsGroupMembers;
| ngmID | ngmGroupID |
| 1 | 1 |
mysql> SELECT imageID, imageName, imageNFSGroupID FROM images WHERE imageNFSGroupID!=1;
| 47 | RHL6x64PIMS50GBTest | 3|
mysql> UPDATE images SET imageNFSGroupID=1 WHERE imageID=47;