- FOG Version: 1.5.0-RC-6
- OS: CentOS 7.3
I have a FOG master server with two “internal” storage nodes, one mounted on /images and the other on a /images2 repository that i’ve created.
I added an external storage node associated to the primary master node (/images) : Replication works fine
But then I have to add a second external storage node associated to the secondary master node (/images2). When I proceed, I can see it on the dashboard :
In the fogreplicator.log, I can see that the replication start between the two nodes because of the following lines :
And on the side of the /images repository of the node, I can see that folders have been created for each images to replicate :
But unfortunately, it seems that the replication fails during processing because the Node usage disk stays on 100% Free on the dashboard. When I come back to the fogreplicator log after waiting 10 minutes for it to rerun, it appears that the replication is running and doesn’t want to finish :
Any suggestions would be helpful
PS : Sorry for the red frames but I can’t disclose all of the information