This typically happens when the computer previously had it’s HDD in GPT layout because the computer was previously in UEFI mode, and is changed to BIOS mode, and had Windows re-installed, thus changing the HDD layout to MBR.
The Windows installer does a crappy job at setting up MBR, it leaves pieces of the old GPT layout behind. There is a utility to fix this, it’s called fixparts and it’s available to you already via a debug capture or debug deploy.
In the web interface, choose to capture like you did before. On the confirmation page for capturing, check the box for “Debug”, then confirm this.
When the computer network boots, it’ll go to a prompt. It’ll display two chunks of information, you have to press the ENTER key to pass through this information. Eventually you will find yourself at a shell (a shell prompt). This is a Linux environment, btw.
Generally, the drive you need to work with is /dev/sda but this isn’t always the case. You can get a listing of the local drives by typing the lsblk command. Say for you the local hdd is named /dev/sda, the command to type to fix the disk layout would then be fixparts /dev/sda
After getting this utility going, if it says the disk is dirty, follow onscreen instructions to fix it, and then to write changes to disk. When done, type the fog command to start the image capture process, because this is debug it’ll ask you to press ENTER at every step, it’s important to do this all the way to the end.