Greetings all,
Fog .32 server bit the dust, so we installed Fog 1.2 on Xubuntu 13.10. This is using a proxy DHCP server. After some troubleshooting, the server will upload, download, and multicast to our Optiplex 7010s.
Our Optiplex 790s are another matter. I have successfully uploaded a 790 image, but am unable to actually download/deploy it. The BIOS has been updated to A18. I’ve tested many of the available kernels (some hang at points, some loop after init.xz, some kernel panic) but 3.16.x,3.17.x,3.18.x all seem to boot fine with no errors. Could there be a kernel argument needed, or something else? The problem is that the imaging process “completes” immediately. There are no error messages displayed and the usual “task completed, updating database, etc…” messages display before the system reboots. I know SOMETHING is being written, because when the download is run on a functioning Windows 7 machine, after the task the machine will not boot back into Windows. It seems like the MBR is getting wiped but nothing is actually being written. Pulling my hair out (if I had any) because all is well on the 7010s. I have several labs to image by the 19th and any help is greatly appreciated.
Glenn Wilson
Austin Community College