I think I found the issue :
The problem is in the function “getAllMulticastTasks” in the “MulticastTask.class.php” and with that precise line
if (in_array($FOGCore->resolveHostname($Image->getStorageGroup()->getOptimalStorageNode()->get('ip')),$FOGCore->getIPAddress())) {
It means that if the IP Address of the node on which the FOGMulticastManager is running, is the same as an “optimal” IP address of any storage node of the same storage group, then the task will be created (stateID change from 0 to 1, my bad !).
Then problem with this, is the assumption that any node in the storage group can do Multi-Cast. This is not true, because some nodes of a same storage group could be on different subnets and in many companies (as the one where I work) multi-cast is not routed.
In my particular configuration, I use the storage node concept of FOG to circumvent the Multicast routing limitation. It was working like this in 0.32 and I expected that it worked the same in trunk.
Here is my solution (not yet tested for deployment, but the multicast task shows up correctly) :
if (in_array($FOGCore->resolveHostname($Image->getStorageGroup()->getMasterStorageNode()->get('ip')),$FOGCore->getIPAddress())) {
Would it be possible to implement either that solution directly (don’t know the implications) or at least to have an option saying "I want only my master node to do multicast) ?