Hi Tom, Followed steps as mentioned, seems to be working well,
Thanks very much for you help, much appreciated,
Posts made by Denis
RE: Hostname change
RE: Hostname change
Thanks very much for the comments so far received, just to confirm I am not using the fog clients, I am only using for to deploy images and do not want fog to interfere\change anything on the image that is deployed.
I tried to # out the entry in the init.gz file , but after making the change found the init.gz image would not load when testing a deployment.
when setting up a multicast job , files for each pc is writen to the /tfptboot/pxelinux.cfg/ when looking at each of these files that is an entry for hostname, if I delete the hostname bit the deplyed image will skipp the change hostname bit.
What determines what details get written to these files.Thanks again
Denis -
Hostname change
Greetings, I am using Fog to deploy images, After deploying multicast image I do not want the hostname to be changed as this will be set as part of the mini setup process following the reboot of the pc once the image is deployed as the image was taken after having been sysprepped, however despite having ensured that the "HOSTNAME Changer Enabled? has NOT been selected I am still finding that after the image gets deployed it it still displays “hostname change --done” I would like it to be skipped in the sameway as when you do a quick image i have found shows " hostbname change – Skipped.
Also is it possible to provide some information on how the hostname change actually works, does it only work with the fog client installed on the imaged pc’s
Many Thanks for you help