Just a quick status update (and closure).
To answer Wolfbane8653: yes, it was possible. Everything worked.
I got everything working on the day that FOG released version 1.0.1
I think I was still high of the sweet victory, when I (later that same day) decided to ditch 0.32 and go for version 1.0.1
So I got version 0.32 to work and it was fully tested, but it has never been used.
Instead I deployed version 1.0.1 and started from scratch again (I didn’t have any other option because the update messed up the whole system).
I ran into some new problems, but fortunatly the error messages in 1.0.1 are a little bit more detailed so I could fix everything. Since yesterday our new (international) FOG environment is ready to deploy. For those interested I will give a summary of our FOG configuration.
Thank you all for your support. I will try to keep in touch on this forum, and don’t forget to have fun with FOG!
Our company FOG setup:
General network: we have multiple locations (in Belgium and The Netherlands) we are all connected in one big network.
Thanks to FOG we are now able to auto-install any computer on our network, no matter where they are.
Location: Antwerp. This is our main site. The (one and only) FOG server is hosted here and the PXE boot-service comes from that server. This is a virtual ubuntu 12.10 that runs on VMWare. We also have a Windows 2008 server located here that functions as a storage node. The reason behind this is because of the backup. Backups are made on tape and our tapedrives / software are not supported in Linux.
Location: Schiphol. This is one of our two main sites in The Netherlands. A Windows 2008 server functions as a storage node. It is equiped with a tapedrive and makes a weekly backup.
Location: Amsterdam. This is the second main site in The Netherlands and has not yet been configured. This will probably become a virtual windows 2008 server, with backup possibilities on tape.