Hi everyone,
We recently opened a LAN center with about a hundred PCs. So far, fog has been great, especially for multi-casting.
However, auto deploying from the web client hasn’t been working as expected.
We have 96 computers in one group. I set the default image, and then go to deploy to the group. Once I deploy, the computers restart, as expected, but they boot back into Windows, and then periodically keep restarting until their task is done or cancelled.
We were originally playing with the idea of keeping PXE boot on and using the exit type to boot into Windows, but no matter what I can’t get it to work on UEFI with Windows Boot Manager. These motherboards unfortunately only have “UEFI” or “LEGACY + UEFI”.
I would like to be able to just image at the click of a button and have it done within 30 minutes (we seem to be able to image at 250 MB/s each, up to 10 at a time, and the rest queue automatically), especially since we are open for a majority of the day and we want to keep the experience consistent across users.
Currently, with Gizmo running on the PCs to keep time for the players, Gizmo restarts the PC on logoff, and I have a script to delete the profile and remake it. This lets the games stay on there so they don’t have to be re-downloaded (even though we have Steam and Blizzard caches) but it clears and user data like Chrome or Steam sign ins.
What can I try? Is there any more information I can provide to help?