im running FEdora 17 btw
Posts made by Casper
RE: NFS server unrecognized on Fedora 16
Hi Alin,
I have the same problem but im new to linux and unsure of the specifiks of your solution.
I have tried to change my file but i belive this is what was written originally:
chkconfig nfs on;
service nfs restart >/dev/null 2>&1;
service nfs status >/dev/null 2>&1;based on what you wrote I have written the following:
chkconfig nfs-server on;
systemctl restart nfs-server.service
systemctl status nfs-server.service
service nfs restart >/dev/null 2>&1;
service nfs status >/dev/null 2>&1;Have i done it wrong?
I get this error (remember im totally new to linux) when the above has been changed
CGroup: name=systemd: /system/nfs-server.service
RE: Fedora 17 no desktop - after installing fog server with script i can't get the web interface
Hi afmrick,
Im totally new to Linux!
This was ment to be my little project to get to know the OS. Though i know what you are talking about i could really need some help how to fix it cause i have no clue where to start.
The reason i went with Fedora was actually because it was the only other choice rather then Ubuntu the fog installation seemed to support in the script and I have had allot of problems installaing the virtualbox additions on the ubuntu VM so i went with Fedora which worked better.
How do i find out what the actual package names are?
I nanoed the file you mention and got this:
Packages="httpd php php-gd php-cli php-gettext mysql mysql-server php-myswl dhc$
there is allso a storagenodepackages with the excat line as above besides from mysql-server and including nfs-utils which is not on list above
Allso it says my langpackages is “iso-codes”.So does anyone of you afmrick have any clue how to fix it?
Fedora 17 no desktop - after installing fog server with script i can't get the web interface
Hi all,
I got Fedora 17 running on a virtuabox VM with Virtualbox additions installed. I ran the script and completed the questions… only got one error:
Checking package: php-gettext…Failed!
else everything worked fine.
My Fog server has IP and when i visit [url][/url] nothing happens.
I can ping the maschine
I can’t telnet port 80 or 8080 or 443I tried to reboot which didn’t help…
All this test were done from my host mashine running virutual box and its from that i try and access the mangemenet site using IE9
Is the php-getext that crusial for it to work? and how do i fix it?
RE: Gzip: stdin: not in gzip format... error on ubuntu server 12.04
Just to help out my fellow Foggers (couldn’t help myself) who might have the same issues this is what i did.
The problem was indeed that i didn’t have have vmware tools installed… I stopped trying to get that installed from VMware and tried virtualbox instead where i found solution.
Allso i went from Ubuntu to Fedora so this works for fedora …
In order to to install the VirtualAdditions in Fedora i used this guide:
i found though that i need to do this step again after i completed the guide:
[COLOR=#d8d8d8][COLOR=#0000ff][B]mkdir[/B] /media/VirtualBoxGuestAdditions [B]mount[/B] -r /dev/cdrom /media/VirtualBoxGuestAdditions[/COLOR][/COLOR]
[COLOR=#d8d8d8][COLOR=#000000]Remember to do “yum install bzip2” because it would be needed. I my have forgot the name but when you try and install VG it will complain and give you the correct name… [/COLOR][/COLOR]
[COLOR=#d8d8d8] [/COLOR]
[COLOR=#d8d8d8][COLOR=#000000]Hope this helped… [/COLOR][/COLOR]
[COLOR=#d8d8d8] [/COLOR] -
RE: Gzip: stdin: not in gzip format... error on ubuntu server 12.04
thanks for your help chad… im not going through any proxies…
I will try to retrive the tar.gx file in another way… ftp or something…
again thanks for your help!
RE: Gzip: stdin: not in gzip format... error on ubuntu server 12.04
Hi Chad,
sorry for my late answer
busy busy busy…
I tried the checksum thing and go ff911abc07ff6f714f21c2829192aeb so i guess I have a corrupt download right?
RE: Gzip: stdin: not in gzip format... error on ubuntu server 12.04
atlast someone answers!! thank you
Im not that experinced with all this Linux stuff but as i see it there are no MD5…
I have tried to download the file againg but not without deleting the original first… I don’t know if Ubuntu does any thing “smart” if you want to download the same file again without deleting the one you downloaded before… do you know?
I must say thought that the download went pretty quick but i am on a company line with 50/50 Mbits and its only around 35-45 in size so… i did check the size because i did have the same concern you mention but i couldn’t see any real difference in filesize… i suspect it will never be spot on…
RE: Gzip: stdin: not in gzip format... error on ubuntu server 12.04
can no one help me?? it should be really easy and quick to recreate in a virtual box
RE: Gzip: stdin: not in gzip format... error on ubuntu server 12.04
ok i don’t get why this isn’t working… not i have tried with Debian with everything as above and it did nothing. I even tried to do it like root and still the same error… christ…
RE: Gzip: stdin: not in gzip format... error on ubuntu server 12.04
I get the same error with a fresh debian install…
RE: Gzip: stdin: not in gzip format... error on ubuntu server 12.04
could it be because im using 64 bit ubuntu server?
RE: Gzip: stdin: not in gzip format... error on ubuntu server 12.04
Im gonna try a Debian installation instead and see if that fairs better…
Gzip: stdin: not in gzip format... error on ubuntu server 12.04
Hi all…
First of all im new to Linux so im struggling with the most basic stuff, but i guess you need to start somewhere right?..
The error:
after downloading fog_0.32.tar.gz from sourceforge using wget I can’t seem to unpack it using tar with the command “tar -xzf fog_0.32.tar.gz”. I get the error:
Gzip: stdin: not in gzip format
tar: Child returned status 1
tar: error is not recoverable: exiting nowwhat i have:
I have a vmware set up where i have installed a ubuntu server 12.04.
What i have tried:
I tried starting the tar command with sudu - did nothing
Tried to install updates with the command “sudo apt-get update” and then run the tar command- did nothing
Tried to install Build essentials using the command “sudo apt-get install build-essential” and then run the tar command - did nothingI have downloaded the same tar file from sourceforge onto my windows 7 and unpacked it with winrar which went OK
I have reinstalled my ubuntu server and tried the above- did nothing
I have been on the net for hours to find a solution but from what i can see the error can mean anything. but i really don’t see what im missing…
I need some help here… im at a loss…
And since i condsider this a learning experince please don’t give me workaround…atleast not without and explenation as to why its not working… else i won’t learn anything…