@sebastian-roth totally understand on question about random database schema problem. Here is link to original question back in April. https://forums.fogproject.org/topic/10005/your-database-connection-appears-to-be-invalid/9
I see Tom had responded and said it was a problem overnight when this happened back in April. Just wondering a little more on how program works. I understand the program to work where we download the new version OS version to server and is on premise and no updates or changes are made by anyone at FOG until I download newer versopm. Maybe I am wrong and that is not how works and with updates etc can affect my on premise server. Just maybe a lot of people were having this issue overnight and then had to do a reinstall or if developers/fog employees are working on version and changes were made it affects us. Nothing crucial just wondering if it is always something that breaks locally or if things can be affected by developers or fog employees. I can say nothing but great things and everything has worked great just wondering if way I am updating or installing affects how things work. Any info on this is great.
Pending Macs: It is safe to say just allow the Mac Addreses?