[quote=“eric0626, post: 3807, member: 357”]KMS does not use SID, but it uses CMID instead. Thus, you don’t have to sysprep the image if you want to KMS, you can just simply rearm the OS before uploading the image.[/quote]
Eric, you are right about the fact that KMS does not use the SID, but CMID instead. This does not change the fact that sysprep is necessary, as CMID is also changed by sysprep. Having the same CMID on all computers results in KMS not counting.
Rearming the computer will create a new CMID, but this is not supported by MS. The recommended way is to rebuild your image with sysprep /generalize and no <SkipRearm>. The last note on the [URL=‘http://support.microsoft.com/kb/929829’]KB929829 [/URL]might be confusing though.
Regards, Bjorn