[quote=“chad-bisd, post: 10833, member: 18”]When I rebuilt my kernel, I chose to use the core.config from FOG, remove a few things I didn’t need and added a few things I did, including new source files for the ASIX usb networking drivers.
Compiling a custom kernel doesn’t take long once you’ve got the source files downloaded and the workstation configured. If the kernel for one of the newer ubuntu versions work, see if you can zcat /proc/config.gz to get the config out of it. You can also lsmod to see what modules are loaded so you know what you need to have selected when you compile your kernel.[/quote]
Not sure if anyone is aware of this but the current freeghost/kerne/core.config file has some extraneous HTML code appended to it - apparently inserted by Adblock all on one line - adding 73,883 bytes of crap to the core.config.
The end of the core.config file looks like this:
[code]# CONFIG_AVERAGE is not set
CONFIG_CORDIC is not set
</pre></body><style type=“text/css” style="display: none !important; ">/This block of style rules is inserted by AdBlock/#FFN_Banner_Holder,#FFN_imBox_Container,#RadAd_Skyscraper,#ab_pointer,#adxLeaderboard
],a[href^="http://www.adbrite.com/mb/commerce/purchase_form.php?"],a[href^="http://www.firstload.de/affiliate/"],a[href^=“http://www.friendlyduck.com/AF_”],a[href^=“http://www.google.com/aclk?”],a[href^=“http://www.liutilities.com/aff"],a[href^=“http://www.liutilities.com/products/campaigns/adv/”],a[href^=“http://www.my-dirty-hobby.com/?sub=”],a[href^="http://www.ringtonematcher.com/”],#cnt #center_col > #res > #topstuff > .ts:only-child,#mbEnd[cellspacing=“0”][cellpadding=“0”],#mclip_container:last-child,#mn #center_col > div > h2.spon:first-child,#mn #center_col > div > h2.spon:first-child + ol:last-child,#ssmiwdiv[jsdisplay],#tads.c,#tadsb.c,#tadsto.c,.ch[onclick=“ga(this,event)”],.ra[align=“left”][width=“30%”],.ra[align=“right”][width=“30%”],#center > .dose > .dosesingle.float { display:none !important; }</style></html>
And of course when running a make using it,
make all
scripts/kconfig/conf --silentoldconfig Kconfig
.config:2:warning: unexpected data
.config:3:warning: unexpected data
.config:3332:warning: unexpected data
.config:3333:warning: unexpected data
editing the core.config file and stripping off that one line reduces the core.config file to 79,521 bytes and it works without causing make to complain.