@george1421 hello,I am very happy because of your help, the version of what was the bzImageT2 file is 4.19.101,you can see the picture ,it happen the the second picture when i am doing registering… Maybe I need upgrade the version of fog to 1.5.9-RC2.11 if it is not difficulty
Posts made by banbuduo*2020
RE: Mac Mini with T2 chip
RE: Mac Mini with T2 chip
@Tom-Elliott Yes,I am using a USB stick,the version of FOG is 1.5.8 in the server of Centos 7, I set the USB stick refer to the URL(https://forums.fogproject.org/topic/7727/building-usb-booting-fos-image/22?page=2), And download bzImageT2 from the url(https://github.com/FOGProject/fogproject/releases/download/1.5.9-RC1/bzImageT2), rename bzImage on the usb flash drive and then copy the bzImageT2 to the flash drive as bzImage, do I need upgrade the version of fog to 1.5.9-RC2.11 ? or I need the version of bzImageT2 for my fog version 1.5.8
RE: Mac Mini with T2 chip
 @Tom-Elliott  Fog(Ver:1.5.8),mac pro(2019) use USB net boot, But it say " attempting to register host…no viable macs to use
/tmp/hinfo.txt:line1:Invalid : command not found"