@Baessens In this special case I’d suggest you use basic Linux commands to export/import image definitions and sync the image files to your other node.
Optional: Create a sync user account on your main master node - otherwise you’d use the root account to do that but don’t use the fogproject account!
Setup SSH keys to be able to login using the sync (or root) account from node B to node A
Setup a cron job on your node B to do the DB and file sync
Make sure rsync is installed on both nodes.
Here is just a quick outline of how you might do this (untested!):
ssh syncuser@nodeA mysqldump -u root -pPassw0rd fog images >/tmp/images.sql
mysql -u root -pPassw0rd </tmp/images.sql
rsync -ave ssh syncuser@nodeA:/images /images >>/var/log/fog/myimagesync.log 2>&1
This will wipe the images table on your node B and import all the definitions you have on node A.