Upon further testing this is what it seems to me:
On the “List all images” page -> you will get an error (see error log in above posts) if [B]any of the images belong to a storage group without a storage node[/B]
On the individual “image details” page -> you get an error if the image belongs to a storage group [B]which has NO master node in it[/B]
This has been replicated deterministically. This is important become some schools (like mine) live on two separate sites - and I would like to all image stuff in one location, and replicate [B]once[/B] to the other location (after which clone locally) … this error makes it very time-consuming to babysit node settings and image settings to make sure that whatever Image i am working with is part of a storage group with at least the main node in it.
Is it possible to trust the user and only check for presence of only the storage node (not master server) - so if there is a cloning mistake, at least its local, and I’m not pulling the image across a VPN? Or better yet - do not check for presence of any nodes - and simply complain on deployment that the image has no acceptable nodes to pull from (which was the behavior of fog .32)
Thank you for your time and effort,
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