We do something similar to @george1421 but since we have a much more limited number of models to support (think 4 rather than 12) we inject the drivers before we capture the image from the VM.
We use enterprise Dell hardware so I download the driver CABs, then I extract all the drivers to a folder on the desktop called “Drivers”. I then run the following script to put them the driver store.
REM Will find and install all inf files in a folder called 'Drivers' on the current desktop
FOR /R "C:\Users\%USERNAME%\Desktop\Drivers\" %%G IN (*.inf) do pnputil -a "%%G"
Keep in mind the are STAGED not Installed. So they are simply available to the machine at first boot to choose from.
I find this simpler than the injection process and the additional space used is negligible, though it doesn’t scale at large, but like I said we only have a handful of models. And now with Win10’s release cycle I can re-evaluate which drivers we put in the base each time we prep a new OS.