@Wayne-Workman Yeah sorry I thought I had mentioned that earlier. They were fine.

Best posts made by apathetic_admin
RE: /opt/fog/snapins disappearing
RE: SSL Certificate is only valid for IP address, not hostname
@Tom-Elliott Thanks as always. You ever end up in Bloomington, IN I owe you a beer or twelve.
RE: 6267, tried upgrading to 7234, fog.csr not found
@Wayne-Workman That seemed to make it happy, thanks.
RE: Failed to set disk guid (sgdisk -U) restoreUUIDinformation
@Tom-Elliott I read your post earlier, then I went and dealt with some other crap for a few hours, came back to my desk and deleted the contents of the file and then tried again. I re-read your post after I got home and realized that I did something stupid. Deleted the file, pushed an image, and it completed successfully.