good job! you are the best.
it seems to work with my VM. I will try with the Opliplex 5260 very soon. I’m not on the same working place today.
good job! you are the best.
it seems to work with my VM. I will try with the Opliplex 5260 very soon. I’m not on the same working place today.
Hi everybody,
05/12/2024 16:48:42 Main Overriding exception handling
05/12/2024 16:48:43 Main Bootstrapping Zazzles
05/12/2024 16:48:43 Controller Initialize
05/12/2024 16:48:43 Controller Start
05/12/2024 16:48:43 Service Starting service
05/12/2024 16:48:51 Bus Became bus server
05/12/2024 16:48:51 Bus Emmiting message on channel: Status
05/12/2024 16:48:51 Service Invoking early JIT compilation on needed binaries
Can anybody help me, please?
Snapins doesn’t work anymore, i can’t shutdown machines using Power management. It’s very annoying.
I’ve reboot server, client, it doesn’t change.
thanks in advance
Since several months now, i have some troubles with scheduled shutdown.
PCs have 2 shutdown tasks (5.30PM & 8PM)
I have last fog client 0.13. The 2 tasks are displayed in the Power management page.
Snapins works well.
My PCS are mostly W11 and i’m wondering if the problem come from that.
Can someone help with that? My software update launchs at shutdown so it’s a bit problematic for me.
thanks for your help
@JJ-Fullmer it’s a dell usb-c ethernet adapter.
I don’t understand what is wrong. I’ve ever managed to wake up the laptop but it don’t work at all time.
I thought it came from the New fog but i was wrong. I’ve tested with old one, doesn’t work.
As i’m using VM for fog, i’m able to switch between the two version using Snapshot.
Even with old fog, it doesn’t start. Very strange.
Another laptop with builtin ethernet port is working fine.
The specs of the usb-c ethernet adapter is quite clear, it supports wake on lanéseau
Ok, i’ve updated the init.xz and init_32.xz files. I confirm that i do not have to set the kernel args now.
I’ve registered the laptop from scratch and now it’s the correct mac address.
I’ve noticed some bad things with this new FOG.
An old laptop can be woken up and FOG create a task that is not automatically deleted after.
This new laptop with USB adapter cannot be woken up and the task is remaining in the actives tasks.
I’ve never managed to wake up this new laptop
In the new Fog, i have the following error: “DataTables warning: table id=host-snapin-history-table - Ajax error. For more information about this error, please see”
So it doesn’t start the PC, and if i wake up it manually, it will boot to fog trying to do something that failed.
refind also doesn’t boot correctly the PC.
So the new fog is fine about the mac address problem but the fonctionnalities are strange
Have you noticed that?
Hi @Tom-Elliott,
So i’ve tested and it seems to work.
Now, i’ve the same MAC address both in compatibiliy mode and after dhcp process.
I’ve read again my notes and i can’t manager to wake up with WOL.
I don’t know what is wrong.
I will contact Dell tomorrow. I remember it was working before.
I’ve tested another laptop with ethernet, and it’s working fine.
The WOL processus could be unmanaged with usb ethernet adapter?
i’ve downloaded and installed the last kernel 6.1.63 (both x64 & x86).
I still get the mac’s dongle address in the compatibility menu. In debug menu, all is fine.
how to check that?
I’ve seen that in FOG Configuration: bzImage and bzImage32
I’ve never updated kernel in FOG
yes, in FOG Configuration > FOG Settings > General Settings > KERNEL ARGS
I hope it’s in the right place.
Hi, sorry for the late answer, i’m not everyday in that office, and i can’t make tests at any time.
Ok, so i’ve downloaded and installed the init.xz provided in the other thread.
Now, if i set the PC in debug mode, and run the two command lines.
The laptop is now recognized with 28:xxxxxxxx mac address.
But if i run the compatibility mode in FOG menu, MAC address is 0C:xxxxxxxxx
So i’ve deleted the PC in fog UI, and try a full inventory. The mac address is 0C:xxxxxxxx
So it still doesn’t work