Accidently Registered Twice
I registered a computer twice on accident and then it said there was a naming confilict so I deleted the Host. Now when I try to do it again it says “Unable to locate host in database, please ensure that mac address is correct.”
Please let me know if any additional information is needed.
Thank you.
It might be easiest to delete both instances of the host. then reregister it. The only way you can register the same physical host twice is to use a different MAC address. If a host exists with the same MAC address, Fog will not let you register it again. At least not from the boot menu task. I don’t know about the WebUI.
[quote=“chad-bisd, post: 4970, member: 18”]It might be easiest to delete both instances of the host. then reregister it. The only way you can register the same physical host twice is to use a different MAC address. If a host exists with the same MAC address, Fog will not let you register it again. At least not from the boot menu task. I don’t know about the WebUI.[/quote]
That’s the point. I deleted the host and now when I try to re-register it, I get the mac address message and cannot register.
Try manually deleting the entry from the mysql db, if the host is there. From a terminal:
[CODE]mysql -u root -p
use fog;
select * from hosts; //this will list all the hosts
if you know the hostname:
[CODE]select * from hosts where hostName=“blah”;[/CODE]
if you find it, delete it with:
[CODE]delete from hosts where hostName=“blah”;[/CODE]
You can list and delete with similar commands for the mac addresses you tried to register. Just change the “where” portion of the above statements like:
where hostMAC=“00:00:00:00:00:00” substituting in your mac values.Let us know if that worked.
I was able to add manually. Thank you