Revisiting Quick Registration Host Naming
There was a modification made long ago allowing us to apply variables to the host name in Quick Registration using curly brackets.
This was a tremendously awesome idea. I was going to modify the files myself, however the files in question have since (it’s been 6 years) been completely rewritten. I can see in the Registration class the pretty simply code to modify, however I’m not sure if at that point it is possible to pull things like the serial number from the Inventory class.
Any suggestions? Is this functionality somewhere else that I’ve somehow completely missed? I should also note, I will be unable to install the FOG client on the machines, as per company policy outside of my control.
After applying the image the machines are automatically renamed upon first boot using their serial number–another item I’m not able to change. So, I have computers already set up with the proper host names and I’d very much like their records in FOG to correspond.
This is something I’ve been meaning to add, but shy away from to ensure the imaging stuff is “perfected” first.
The idea, however, would be to send the respective element as it’s collected in the inventory class.
I’m holding off on this until I get imaging back to more ‘reliable’.
I suppose I could modify the inventory class to change the host name when it initially collects that information? Off the top of your head, would that break anything? I would assume not.
I’m only pushing this because I just discovered FOG and it is a perfect fit for my scenario. It would make my team truly pleased.
@WillB I have asked for this in the past too (via feature request). I used this function back in the 0.29-0.30 era and it worked great because our system names are based on a OU prefix plus the dell asset tag.
There are other ways to get this to work, some manual some using postinstall scripts. It would be better to have that function back in FOG (IMO). But as Tom says, imaging comes first.