PXE Timeout issue
Fog server
Ubuntu 16.04
Tue Nov 01, 2016 14:44 pm
Running Version 1.3.0-RC-14
SVN Revision: 5974Client
- Service Version: N/A
- OS: Windows 7
Ok so this is a simple network a Fog server set up with a switch one client PC and one other PC to get to the GUI.
For the actual problem now it seems that when I initially set up the server it will work until I reboot it or shut it off then the clients PCs/hosts can not get a PXE Request from the Fog. But (please note it was working with no problem before the restart.)
Please assist -
sorry I geuss the other pic was to large in size but this is what I get when trying to boot PXE -
ok first question what is supplying dhcp services for your nework?
@george1421 I’m going to further guess DNSMasq was being setup but the “on boot” establishment wasn’t performed?
When I set the Ubuntu up it asked if I wanted to use there DCHP server so I would say the Ubuntu DCHP service
@JTech ok this setup was done with ubuntu and not via FOG install?
Then you need to see if dhcp services is running on ubuntu. (sorry I’m a rhel guy).
I can say from you ubuntu server if you key in
netstat -an | grep 67
it should return something if ics-dhcp is running. Or any dhcp server on that server. -
@george1421 do you know and easy command to tell if the service is running
@JTech the netstat command will show you if something is bound to the dhcp port 67
Also this wiki page will be useful when you get to having both bios and uefi systems on your campus.
@JTech wow, not useful…
You should use the netstat command I provided below
netstat -an | grep 67
ornetstat -an | grep 68
You are looking for a line like this:
udp 0 0*
@JTech ok that tells me that your dhcp server is not running.
just guessing…
sudo /etc/init.d/isc-dhcp-server restart
this is for 14.04 but the format should be the same:
http://www.krizna.com/ubuntu/setup-dhcp-server-ubuntu-14-04 -
@george1421 it says ok in Green
@JTech same command again. you want this line in the netstat
udp 0 0*
@george1421 nope it looks the same way*
@JTech ok then you need to read through that link I provided for 14.04 because it sounds like dhcp isn’t properly configured on you ubuntu server. So that is why your target computer isn’t pxe booting. You haven’t even got to the FOG bits yet.
@george1421 but why would it work correctly before and suddenly change
@JTech I can’t answer that. I use to do mind reading. But I sucked at it so I had to give it up for a paying job in IT.
Your original message and error was that the target computer did not receive a response from a dhcp server. Meaning that there is no dhcp server on your network with the FOG server, switch, and target computer.