Full Registration, causing rogue snapins to apply
@Tom-Elliott I will test some registrations today and see what happens. Getting bombed with early morning emails at the moment.
@Tom-Elliott Just had a Tech register a machine today. Same outcome all the previous snapins, plus a new one from the room they were in this morning.
Havent had time ti test anything else yet.
Ok, just tested this myself.
Soo… went to a machine. Registered it with snapin that wasn’t currently in the “rogue” list. When I check the snapins, the new snapin shows, along with the like 8 others, plus the 2 every machine gets. Which mean the next time a machines Regs thru PXE, it will be getting that snapin plus the other stuck in the loop.
@adukes40 This is probably because your DB is still dirty. we need to figure out some queries that will clean it up.
@Wayne-Workman I say simplest would be to truncate snapinAssoc snapinJobs and snapinTasks then rrapply
There other I am seeing is sometimes the 1- snapins remove themselves from association after an image. I am looking at two hosts, where that just happened. 1- removes itself, but 2- and 3- always stay.
@adukes40 had me remote in. We found about 3200 + hosts that hadn’t been properly removed. The older db crud was still left over though which was why it seems to be “rogue” items. Removed the “bad” hosts and all seemed to correct itself.
I’m going to resolve for now.
@Tom-Elliott Its doing it again.
@adukes40 What’s happening again? All nodes are at the same version?
@Tom-Elliott All nodes at RC-11, It back to assigning recently used snapin associations from recent image deployments
Nothing has changed here. Just going about day-to-day operation. Tried with same host name, and never before used host name, same result.