Manually copy image between FOG hosts
This post is deleted! -
I re-ran the installation after setting the proper path in
but the graphic still shows/images
as the Image Path and FTP Path. I look in/etc/exports
and see:/home *(ro,sync,no_wdelay,no_subtree_check,insecure_locks,no_root_squash,insecure,fsid=0) /home/dev *(rw,async,no_wdelay,no_subtree_check,no_root_squash,insecure,fsid=1)
Here is my
:## Start of FOG Settings ## Created by the FOG Installer ## Version: 1.3.0-RC-8 ## Install time: Tue 21 Jun 2016 02:14:52 PM EDT ipaddress='' interface='enp2s0' submask='' routeraddress='' plainrouter='' dnsaddress='# No dns added' username='fog' password="rFwfWrtWZmX/2nxUy3mvV1R99pOr2iiKvSBErGFXBCA=" osid='1' osname='Redhat' dodhcp='N' bldhcp='0' dhcpd='dhcpd' blexports='1' installtype='N' snmysqluser='root' snmysqlpass="somepass" snmysqlhost='' installlang='' donate='0' storageLocation='/home' fogupdateloaded= docroot='/var/www/html/' webroot='/fog/' caCreated='yes' startrange='' endrange='' bootfilename='undionly.kpxe' packages='curl gcc gcc-c++ gzip httpd lftp m4 make mariadb mariadb-server mod_ssl net-tools nfs-utils php php-bcmath php-cli php-common php-fpm php-gd php-mbstring php-mcrypt php-mysqlnd php-process tar tftp-server vsftpd wget xinetd ' noTftpBuild='' notpxedefaultfile='' sslpath='/opt/fog/snapins/ssl/' backupPath='' php_ver='' php_verAdds='' fogguiuser='fog' fogguipass='password' ## End of FOG Settings
@Chris-Shipley said in Manually copy image between FOG hosts:
but the graphic still shows /images as the Image Path and FTP Path.
You would just update those via the web interface. The installer doesn’t touch much of anything in the DB, it’ll add a new node for you, and make sure you’re node’s FTP credentials are correct, that’s all it does to the DB for an existing setup - and of course it updates the db schema if necessary. It doesn’t do anything beyond this because there’s no way to know what the admin’s intentions are, or what unique setup there may be. For instance, you might have 3 or even 12 nodes defined all on one server, all with a different path. Imagine the disaster if the installer was programmed to just ‘correct’ all of those for you…
All set - it was the files being sent to a single filename * - that was just a syntax error on my part for using the Windows cli too often.
@Wayne-Workman - i had to change my
file back to pointing the storage at ‘/images’ because the entire imaging process breaks. Also re-added my/etc/fstab
line to point /images to the home directory where the 177G volume is. I understand you think my system will fail if I fill up more than the 50G available on the root drive, I’m confident it won’t. Thank you greatly for your assistance, it was the file copy problem.