SVN Version Disparity
Nothing show stopping, just an oddity.
cd /opt/trunkgit/fogproject git pull grep FOG_VERSION /opt/trunkgit/fogproject/packages/web/lib/fog/system.class.php | sed "s/^[ \t]*define(.FOG_VERSION., .\([0-9\.]*\).);/FOG Version in GIT: \1/"
Reports ‘1.3.0-RC-8’
svn co /opt/trunksvn/fogproject
Reports ‘Checked out revision 5950’ also reports p/freeghost/code - Revision 5950: /trunk
grep FOG_VERSION /opt/trunksvn/fogproject/packages/web/lib/fog/system.class.php | sed "s/^[ \t]*define(.FOG_VERSION., .\([0-9\.]*\).);/FOG Version in SVN: \1/"
Reports ‘1.3.0-RC-8’
Installing by:
cd /opt/trunksvn/fogproject/bin ./
But then… the web interface reports:
Tue Aug 23, 2016 14:36 pm Running Version 1.3.0-RC-8 SVN Revision: 5949
I had to republish rc 8 which pushed svn up one but I did not update the svn version because it would not have matched git. This is to be fixed when rc 9 is released.