Problems multicasting fog on different vlans
@Yamakazi in the first troubleshoot multicast link, there are some commands to clear stuff out of the DB for it, and then try to restart the FOGMulticastManager and see what happens.
systemctl restart FOGMulticastManager
orservice FOGMulticastManager restart
For now, focus on multicasting on the VLAN the fog server is on.
@Yamakazi Also, it appears you’re using 1.2.0 ? There are some improvements in the Multicast area in FOG Trunk, the developmental version. Well worth the move in my opinion. Something specifically added is the ability to define a custom multicast and port address, should you want to customize it. Without those, the default broadcast address of the broadcast domain that the fog server resides within is used.
I know when you install fog it asks for a mysql password, but i’ve left that blank.
Can i upgrade to the newer version? or do i need to do a fresh install?
@Yamakazi You can do either. Both work. You’re using
Switch to root withsudo -i
and then try. -
I also tried as root user. Check the image
sudo -i
@Yamakazi Well if no password is set, root should have permission. Also - if root didn’t have permission, the fog web interface wouldn’t even work, as it uses local root access to MySQL.
Check if you have a password set on the DB, the credentials FOG uses to access it are in
Also, you can check what’s set inside of config.class.php:
cat /var/www/html/fog/lib/fog/config.class.php
Additional reading:
and -
@Yamakazi Just a guess, but try manually typing those commands, since I’m guessing mysql only accepts either ` or ’ and not both.
Could also simply do
TRUNCATE TABLE multicastSessions; TRUNCATE TABLE multicastSessionsAssoc; DELETE FROM tasks WHERE taskTypeID=8;
if you don’t care about any current multicast tasks.
I Made a new very basic setup with just the fog server a router and a host. I configured the router to allow multicast.
I get the same result, everything is working: dhcp, unicast etc. Just not multicast. So i think fog is causing the problems. I’m just really lost what is wrong. FOGMulticastmanger is active and working, the multicast settings in the webinterface are all correct. Dhcp and the image are working fine. Mysql still remains a mystery to me though. I’ve got no experiecne with it on linux so.
From one of the wiki pages of fog it makes you check these files.
“Check the MySQL details in “/opt/fog/service/etc/config.php” are correct.
If not, correct them (they should be the same as in /var/www/fog/commons/config.php) and restart the service”this can’t be right. There is not much in the first config.php file and the 2nd under commons doesn’t even exist.
@Yamakazi That wiki is outdated due to relatively recent changes I believe
@Yamakazi said:
FOGMulticastmanger is active and working, the multicast settings in the webinterface are all correct.
Checked the multicast.log? Do you see udp-sender processes in
ps ax | grep udp
?I might be wrong but I feel that this is not a general FOG issue as we have a lot of users who are running multicast imaging just fine. What if you connect one FOG server and two or three clients just with one simple dumb mini switch? Not router!
@Yamakazi Also, your syntax is indeed wrong.
You need to do
use fog;
first. Then try and run those other commands after that.
This is to different vlan. Is it normal it broadcasts to Because i see in wireshark it doesn’t get further than the first router it encounters on (see pic a few posts back)
To the same subnet multicast is working properly.
Was also able to clear mysql database but to no avail.
I already tested the setup in the same subnet and that works. I’m just don’t seems to get it to work on different subnets.
How does fog multicast? to which multicast address? Does it make a multicast address and lets clients join it? or is it a set multicast address? Because it’s sending to atm, which seems a bit weird.
This post is deleted! -
Alright it seems it has something to do with multicasting groups not properly reporting to eachother.
When fog starts a multicast session it send to but it stops there and doesn’t get forwarded to other clients in different subnets
When in the same subnet, It manges to request to join that specific multicast group get the data en then again leaves the mcast group.
Though it’s doing this directly with the fog server and not trough the general which normally request host to join or leave a group.
I know this is maybe not that fog related anymore, but we came this far already
Hosts in a different vlan listen to to report their status. For example
Is it possible to change the multicast adress of fog somewhere? to something different then ?
@Yamakazi You can specify the multicast address, but not the broadcast address I think. This seems like a routing issue, not a FOG problem, but I don’t really know enough about networking to say for sure.