Feature Request - LDAP login
Sure, shoot me the code
and then something like that:
session_start ();
require_once(‘ldap/src/adLDAP.php’);try {
$adldap = new adLDAP();
catch (adLDAPException $e) {
echo $e;
}$loginUsername = $_REQUEST[‘loginUsername’];
$loginPassword = $_REQUEST[‘loginPassword’];
$loginUsername = strtolower($loginUsername);if ($adldap->authenticate($loginUsername, $loginPassword)){
$result = $adldap->user()->inGroup($loginUsername,“XXXXXXXXX”);
$info = $adldap->user()->info($loginUsername);
$sql = sprintf(“SELECT u.id, u.username, u.name, u.firstname FROM user u WHERE (lower(u.username) like ‘%s’)”,$loginUsername);
$result = mysqli_query ($GLOBALS[“db”],$sql);
$data = mysqli_fetch_array ($result);
if (mysqli_num_rows ($result) > 0 and $data[‘status’]<>“0”)
$_SESSION[“user_id”] = $data[“id”];
$_SESSION[“user_nickname”] = $data[“username”];
$_SESSION[“user_nachname”] = $data[“name”];
$_SESSION[“user_vorname”] = $data[“firstname”];
echo “{success: true}”;
echo “{success: false, errors: { reason: ‘Login fehlgeschlagen. Bitte erneut versuchen.’ }}”;
echo “{success: false, errors: { reason: ‘Login fehlgeschlagen. Bitte erneut versuchen.’ }}”;
}else{echo "{success: false, errors: { reason: 'Login fehlgeschlagen. Bitte erneut versuchen.' }}";
?> [/PHP] -
Thanks marvin. I’ve used adldap in the past and it works well.
Implementing the code in to FOG is the hard part. After 0.33, the code will be in a more maintainable state and it will be much easier to implement various authentication schemes.
I also want to create a “Active Directory Explorer” that allows you to look through your OU’s by tree structure
yes thats a good idea to import all computers from the ad
That is not exactly what i meant, more for AD OU placement options.
AD doesnt have enough information for FOG to use… things as simple as MAC Address are not held in AD.
Ah, but SCCM does
but that’s a whole other discussion right there.
[quote=“Kevin, post: 869, member: 3”]Ah, but SCCM does
but that’s a whole other discussion right there.[/quote]
AFAIK, SCCM does not have LDAP access and there is no easy way to connect to it’s database and pull information - please prove me wrong
In my opinion there is no need for LDAP-Authentication in FOG itself. Apache does authentication really fine
I’ve quickly written a patch for svn trunk. Any comments? What should be improved to get this into trunk?
btw: we have all computers and groups in LDAP (with GOSA) and made every edit-option for hosts/groups in FOG readonly… A script transfers all the data from LDAP to mysql…
[quote=“Jtb, post: 1649, member: 582”]In my opinion there is no need for LDAP-Authentication in FOG itself. Apache does authentication really fine
I’ve quickly written a patch for svn trunk. Any comments? What should be improved to get this into trunk?
btw: we have all computers and groups in LDAP (with GOSA) and made every edit-option for hosts/groups in FOG readonly… A script transfers all the data from LDAP to mysql…[/quote]
Could you give a little more indepth information on how to implement your patch? -
[quote=“Walter Wahlstedt, post: 5448, member: 1441”]Could you give a little more indepth information on how to implement your patch?[/quote]
First you need some kind of http authentication with apache. After that everbody who logs in over apache needs a user in Fog with his username and the static password FogREMOTEUSER.